Opening of Classes SY 2021-2022

Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus, Inc. joyfully welcomes your warm presence for another academic year. #TatakHijas#KapatidSaKapwa
Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus, Inc. joyfully welcomes your warm presence for another academic year. #TatakHijas#KapatidSaKapwa
The family is a precious gift from God. It is the source of our joy and happiness. It nurtures us to become the person we can be. Each is blessed too with a family in CHJ. It is where we hone our talents and skills and build our dreams so that in time, we can […]
Ninety-one Grade 9 students of Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus, Inc. conducted a tree planting activity at Linobayan, Tigbauan, Iloilo last January 8, 2020. The activity which aims to help combat climate change in a small act started with a short orientation about seedling transfer from pot to soil discussed by Mr. Elmer […]
As an annual outreach program, the Analytikus Club, headed by Ms. Lea C. Cababasay, organized a gift-giving activity for the indigenous people (IP’s) of Brgy, Lanit, Jaro, Iloilo City last December 16, 2019. The activity started with a prayer led by Elora Margareth Cabag, followed by the opening remarks given by Gloryvill Falsis, who […]
Jayson Gian Cala-or and Mikaella Joneth Tolentino maneuvered Dance Sports after placing 2nd in the 53rd ILOPRISAA Dance Sports competition held at the University of San Agustin Gymnasium, Iloilo City last November 19, 2019. Cala-or, Grade 8- Fortitude, and Tolentino, Grade 12- STEM, performed in the Grade C category, which consists of Cha-Cha, Rumba, […]
Nathan J. Gaviola, Grade 10 student of Colegio de las Hijas de Jesus, Inc. was elected as Boy City Vice Mayor during the Girls’ and Boys’ Week Celebration 2019 sponsored by the Rotary Club of Iloilo. He started his office from October 18 to 25, 2019 at the New Iloilo City Hall and was […]